Ask Us
What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational Therapy is a therapy that addresses the “occupation of a child”. A child’s occupation is to eat, walk and play. We address the developmental level of child’s need in the area of eating, dressing, toileting, brushing teeth, writing, coloring, cutting, playing with manipulatives and any sensory needs that may be affecting your child to participate in family gatherings or community events. Your child may be limited in these areas because of an injury, developmental delays, and or other disabilities.
How do I know if my child needs occupational therapy services?
If your child is not developing in the areas of eating, dressing and using his or hands to perform tasks or any sensory sensitivities or food aversions, services may be needed. Refer to the checklist of milestones for development for occupational therapy. If milestones are not being met, please call our office to establish the referral process. Reference: https://pathways.org
How do I get started with services?
You can call our office and speak to our office manager or contact your pediatrician to request a referral. The referral can be faxed to our office at 915-921-6882.
What is the length of each session and the length of time for services?
The sessions are 60 minutes long depending on functional level of each child.
What is Sensory Processing Disorder?
Sensory Processing Disorder is when a person’s registration of the information in the environment is processed in a different manner in each persons’ system. Thus, the information is manifested in various reactions and or behaviors result of the misinterpretation of information. If your child is responding differently to the 7 senses (hearing, seeing, touching, tasting, smelling, moving and coordination of his or her body), an examination may be warranted to further assess your child’s sensory systems to determine if is affecting his or her life as a child in the various settings. Reference: https://www.spdstar.org
How do I know if my child needs speech therapy services?
If your child presents with a delay in expressive communication skills ( what they say) or receptive skills ( what they understand).