Occupational Therapy
in El Paso, TX
When you notice your child is struggling with developmental disabilities, you'll want to find a way to help them
OT FOR TOTS provides occupational therapy for children ages newborn to 20. Our therapists can assist your child with:
- Mechanical skills
- Developmental disabilities
- Posture
- Sensory processing
- Attention to tasks
We work hard to promote your child’s independence. Call 915-921-6881 today to schedule an evaluation at our occupational therapy clinic in El Paso, TX.

We Develop Occupational Skills Through Play Activities
We Provide Effective Occupational Therapy Services in El Paso, TX
In many cases, we find play activities to be the most productive approach. We use a variety of techniques centered on playing, eating, dressing, writing, building, coloring, feeding and coordination. Your child will build on the skills they have and strengthen any weaknesses. Our system is outcome driven, so your child can take pride in their accomplishments.
Contact OT FOR TOTS to learn more about play activities in the El Paso, TX area.
The Beam
The BEAM is an interactive motor learning technology to assist and develop a child’s motor skills to include eye hand coordination and eye-foot coordination skills on an individual and group setting. There are various interactive learning screens to be used to enhance motor learning.”